Mission and Vision

The Disabled and Helpless Children’s New Life Centre Nepal is a non-profit and non-government organization established in 2010, with the mission and vision to provide a caring home environment with education, healthcare and the development of the life skills necessary to assist children who are disabled and/or without any means of support (helpless in Nepali terms) to become self-reliant and independent adults.

The organization is open to children with physical disabilities, and those children from situations of severe poverty, whose families are either unable to provide the basics of food and clothing, or have deserted their children.

In our care home 60% children who have a disability and 40% who do not have a disability. This mix is beneficial to all of the children in our Care House family.

With education as a high priority, the children are enrolled at East-Pole Higher Secondary School. We see it as important for the children to attend a high achieving school where those children who are disadvantaged or have a disability can study and socialize with other students from a wide cross section of Nepali society. This not only provides the best available opportunities for the children, but also assists in changing attitudes of this society towards those who have a disability or are disadvantaged.

We strongly believe that children, who have a disability or are disadvantaged, should be given the opportunities to develop their abilities and integrate into mainstream society. This is one of the goals of our organization.

Why? Volunteer with us

The most important reason is that our children need your help. But for all your effort, YOU’LL GET BACK so much more goodwill and blessings in return.


  • Play with disadvantages Children
  • Help the children with  homework
  • To teach in School
  • Learn to Cook Nepali traditional food
  • Teach children about health and hygiene
  • Help with Physiotherapy

Volunteering Activities

If you are visiting the orphanage for a day you can help the children with their homework, engage them in an art or musical instrument of your choice, teach them new skills or just play games with them. If you plan to stay longer, you will have the opportunity to engage closely with them in their daily routines, including walking them to and from school, sitting with them at meal times, reading books, helping with their homework and simply sitting and chatting. There is no fixed schedule on our volunteers. You are free to choose which activities you want to be involved in.

Expenses for per volunteer

Duration in weekCost in U.S.$
2 weeks300
3 weeks450
4 weeks600
5 weeks750
7 weeks900
8 weeks1050
9 weeks1200
10 weeks1350
11 weeks1500

Note;- Every week charge is 150US$ volunteer can stay maximum 24 weeks .

Above cost includes:
• Accommodation and main meals during placement
• Registration
• Placement donation
We use your 20% money for disadvantages children, food, health, education etc., who are in our take care

Tourist Visa Fee

The government has also revised existing tourist visa fee to be effective from 16th July, 2008.

Multiple entry 15 days
= US$ 25 or equivalent convertible currency

Multiple entry 30 days
= US$ 40 or equivalent convertible currency

Multiple entry 90 days
= US$ 100 or equivalent convertible currency

Tourist Visa Extension

Likewise, the government has also revised fee required to extend days of stay and visa renewal. As per the revise fee structure, Tourist visa can be extended by paying US $ 2 or equivalent Nepalese currency per day. Likewise, Multiple Entry facility can be obtained only for the extension period by additional US $ 20 and visa fee for the extended period. Similarly, tourists can renew their visa by paying Nepalese currency equivalent to US $ 3 on the regular visa extension fee.

Health issues

Please have appropriate vaccinations, doctor visits and dental checkups before you arrive in Nepal. Please tell of any special medications, medical conditions and/or allergies you may have. Vaccinations can include but are not limited to: tetanus, typhoid, Hepatitis A and B as well as Malaria medication.

Code of Conduct – expected of all volunteers

  • Respect the Nepalese beliefs and culture.
  • Volunteers are not allowed to preach or teach any religious doctrine or agenda to the children.
  • Never physically or verbally discipline the children. If you witness or become involved in a conflict, advise the head of the house immediately.
  •  Drugs, alcohol and tobacco are prohibited at all times.
  • Volunteers must use appropriate language – swearing on or off the premises will not be tolerated.
  • Sexually explicit or inappropriate behavior or discussion is not permitted.
  • Do not invite any visitors into the orphanage without prior permission from the head of the house.
  • Dress code around the children should be modest and clean. Men and women are advised not to wear any revealing clothing. Please show respect to our culture by covering legs and shoulders at all times.
  • Be honest and responsible.
  • And most importantly, make sure the time you spend with our family is fun.

Failure to adhere to the code of conduct may or will result in immediate deportation; in extreme cases the tourist police will be asked for assistance.


We like to ensure all our volunteers are catered for comfortably. We can arrange for you to stay with a host family in the Kathmandu valley area close to our orphanage. Alternatively, if you can only offer a few days of your time and wish to travel independently, you can arrange your own hotel accommodation in the central Thamel area of Kathmandu or in Boudhanath  or near  the area of Airport  which is nearer to our orphanage. We can provide you with a list of hotels in the area which are safe, comfortable, and inexpensive and are recommended by previous volunteers.


Duties will depend upon your length of stay, your individual skills, qualifications and experience. We expect everyone (staff and volunteers to be flexible, so please be aware that certain schedules may change at short notice from time to time.)

The children residing at DHC New Life Centre Nepal, attends school on Sunday – Friday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays and public holidays are not school days. We are always happy to assist you if you wish to plan an activity or fund a field trip for the children on these days. You are welcome to teach at the schools which the children attend which are private schools in Kathmandu. If you wish to visit or teach at that school you are most welcome.

If you volunteer at the DHC New Life Centre Nepal, we would require you to help the children practice their English and offer help with English homework .

After homework the children are free to engage in any activity you may wish to arrange, whether this is a team related activity or simply working in a one on one basis with one or two children. These activities can include; reading, singing, dancing, board games, arts and crafts, outdoor ball games, or you may wish to devise your own activity…so long as it involves learning and is fun. You can also help our children by teaching the importance of hygiene, such as brushing their teeth, washing their hands, etc.

If you have previous experience of working with aid organizations, your knowledge is vital to our future. We are always in need of people who have experience in obtaining small grants from other established organizations; know how to set up fundraisers, networking or who can give advice on administrative and other issues related to running our orphanage. Administration is a core we all share but we sometimes need professional help in this area.

You must help the orphanage in one or more of the ways listed above and offered by DHC New Life Centre. Doing nothing will not be acceptable. You must contribute.

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