2015 Family

Shamul Magaer is 4 years old. His home village is in Rukum which is in Western Nepal, a very poor part of the country. Shamal’s Father is in jail and his Mother left him so he was sent to live near Kathmandu with a relative of his grandfather. After the earthquake that family moved to a tent but Samal became lost and was found by the Police. The National Centre For Children at Risk, a Government agency, contacted DHC New Life Centre and asked if we could take him in. Shamul’s right hand and leg were burn’t in a fire. All the children are happy to welcome Shamul to our family. Shamul will soon be having surgery on his burnt hand and the Drs are hopeful that they can give him the ability to grip things.
Puja is 8 years old and comes from Baglung, in Central Nepal. She is the size of an average 5 year old due to poor nutrition as her family were very poor with no regular income and no land. Puja’s family belong to the lowest caste of the Nepali caste structure, the Dalit caste who are sometimes known in the west as “the untouchables”. Amrit saw being in Puja into this organization as being very important in terms of educating both the Nepali people and the children of the organisation. The children accepted Puja immediately with their usual love and generosity as their little sister. She was born with a malformed leg and has had one operation at Banepa hospital in Kathmandu which was sadly unsuccessful. She was referred to this organisation by Banepa hospital and had had no schooling. Puja did so well at school last year that she topped her class and got 100% in her exams with the result that she skipped a class and is now in UKG (Upper Kindergarten) at East-Pole school.
 Anup AD
Anup is 9 years old and arrived at our organisation unable to speak either Nepali or English but rather speaking a local dialect. He comes from Humla district, the most remote area of Nepal. As a baby he had accident, falling from roof of home and lost his right arm and hand. He was recommended by district children welfare council Humla. Anup is now in class 2 and doing very well at school.
Suroj is 16 years old from the Terai region in southern Nepal. When he was 10 years old and in class 5 his left arm was caught in a rice husking machine. The local hospital amputated his arm below the elbow and he missed one year of school. Suroj’s family did not speak Nepali at home. He loves school but in his village it is normal for boys to leave school and marry at 14 – 15 years at age, so he was delighted to be recommended to this organisation by the Social Work Council of Nepal so that he did not have to marry and could continue his studies! He has a strong desire to study and is in Class 9 at East-Pole school. He fulfils the role of big brother with the younger children very well and they all look up to him and enjoy his company and having his attention!
Hira is 10 years old and arrived at our organisation unable to speak either Nepali or English but rather speaking a local dialect. He comes from Humla district, the most remote area of Nepal. As a baby he caught a severe fever which left him with a paralysis down one side of his body. He has done very well at school and last year skipped a class. He is now in class 3 and is continuing to achieve well at school. Hira is a very cheerful presence in the house and can often be heard about the place singing!
Chetin is 10 years old and came from Dolakah district in the mountainous area of Nepal. Due to his father’s alcoholism the family was extremely poor and his mother left the family so elderly relatives (not his grandparents) took him in. Chetin loves school and learning and is very intelligent. Last year he came in the top 10 in his class academically and came runner-up in the Nepali Dance Competition for the whole school (1200 pupils). This year he continues to do well at school and is in class 3.
Puspa is 11 years old and had very little schooling when she arrived. She is from Western Nepal and when she was 3 years old she fell down a steep hill and injured her spine. She did not receive any treatment and has been left with permanently deformed spine and bilateral hip dysplasia. Later this year a group of orthopaedic specialists from the UK and they will assess her to see if there is any possibility of effective surgical intervention at this stage. Puspa had had very little schooling when she arrived but has done so well at school that she skipped a class and was promoted from class 2 to class 4 this year.Sunita
Sunita is 14 years old and comes from Dolakah district in the mountainous area of Nepal. Her father died and her mother has terminal cancer. Sunita was born with a club foot and spinal fusion. Sunita is now in class 5 and is taking on the role of elder sister with the younger children in her very quiet and caring manner.
Kumari is 15 years old and came last year from a very remote part of mountainous Nepal. Her Mother has died and her family is extremely poor and before Kumari came to the Carew house her main responsibility was to look after the goats which meant that she missed a lot of school. She was recommended to the organisation through the Social Work Council of Nepal. When she came her she was 3 years behind in her schooling and spoke very little Nepali as dialect is spoken in her village. Kumari is now making excellent progress at school and last year was promoted from class 4 to class 6.
Sumitra is 14 years old and comes from Chitwan in Southern Nepal. When she was working in the fields, she got bitten on her leg, possibly by a snake. Her family took her to a local hospital but she didn’t get the most appropriate treatment (or there was a delay in getting her treatment) as a result septicemia developed, and she needed an amputation. By the time she got to Kathmandu the disease had progressed into her thigh and thus the amputation was much higher up than originally intended. Sumitra’s father died last year and her mother has no means of earning money to support her family, so The Banepa Hospital referred her to DHC New Life Centre. Sumitra is a shy delightful girl and talks little but has a wonderful smile which we often see. Sumitra is in Class 3 at East-Pole School.
Manoj Subedi
Manoj Subedi has been in care since he was 6 years old due to his family’s extreme poverty. He comes from Dahding district in Central Nepal is now 16 years old and is in his last year at school. He is a very serious young man with a great sense of responsibility. He is a very caring older brother to the younger children. He is very intelligent and is also very artistic. Manoj has been selected as School Captain of East pole School this year (there are 1400 children in the school) and we are very excited about this and proud of him!!!
Mahesh is 19 years old. He originally comes from Gumli district in Central Nepal. He has been in care since the age of 9 due to the extreme poverty of his family. Mahesh completed his class 10 this year and is about to embark on Plus 2 (years 11 and 12). He will study Management and be living in a shared rental room in Kathmandu with other students as he starts on this next stage of his life.
Rebika is 20 years old and has been in care for about 9 years. She is from Jhapa district in the very far east of Nepal near the Indian border. As a small baby she received burns to her foot and leg and the local hospital were to able to help. By the time she came to Kathmandu for treatment her foot has fused upwards onto her leg. The hospital in Kathmandu were able to work with her leg and fused foot to form a stump to which a prosthetic foot could be fitted. Rebika gained a Bo Karlsson Scholarship to study nursing and she has just completed her first year of the nursing course.
Samjhana is 20 years old. When she was 3 years old she contracted polio and has a mild paralysis of her left side. She is from Okhaldhunga district in Western Nepal. Samjhana is studying humanities at a Plus 2 college (Years 11 and 12) and is in her last year there. She is very much enjoying her studies, and doing well. She came third in her recent exams.
Dharma Raj
Dharma Raj is 20 and comes from Kapilbastu district in Southern Nepal. The winters down there can be very cold and when he as a baby his mother pout his cradle near the open fire for warmth. The cradle caught fire and he received extensive burns to his face and one hand. There was no immediate treatment available and he was brought to Banepa hospital in Kathmandu. He has now had 3 surgeries to improve his face and as a beginning on a reconstruction on his right hand. When he is fully gown hopefully further surgeries can result in further improvements in the function of his hand. Dharma Raj is currently doing his Plus 2 and is studying Management.
Dhan Bhadur
Dhan Badhur is 20 years old and has been in care for about 9 years. He comes from Sarlahi district in Southern Nepal. When he was a small baby he fell from his bamboo cradle and damaged his hip joint and caused his leg to grow in a malformed manner. No surgery in Nepal can help him and he ends up in considerable pain after periods of activity. He is doing his Plus 2 and is studying Humanities.
Ajaya is 20 years old and comes from Bara district in Southern Nepal. His family were extremely poor. He has finished his Plus 2 studies (where he studied Science).
Bharat is 23 years old and was in care for about 9 years as he was severely disabled by polio as a small child. His Uncle brought him to Kathmandu from Jajarkot district in remote Western Nepal so that he could get a wheelchair, crutches, calipers and special footwear fitted at the Kathmandu Orthopaedic hospital. He has just finished his Plus 2 studies where he specialised in Humanities.
Soma is from Dolkaha district in the mountainous north of Nepal. She was born with scoliosis. She was in care for about 9 years and has just finished her Plus 2 studies where she specialised in management. She is planning to apply for a Bo M Karlsson scholarship to continue her management studies at University.
Shanta is 22 years old. She contracted polio as a small child and was brought to Kathmandu so that she could have access to medical treatment, calipers, crutches etc. Shanta has now finished her Plus 2 studies specialising in Management and is applying for a Bo M Karlsson scholarship to continue her studies at University. Shanta’s ambition is to open a small shop in her village.
DHC New Life Centre Nepal Family 2014
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